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CCC World

Released - 2023-03-01

Available on :
  • VRChat

About this world

Step into the CCC World, my third creation in VRChat, a realm dedicated to a close-knit group of friends with whom I've shared countless memorable moments. As you explore, you'll find echoes of our adventures scattered throughout, immortalized in pictures adorning the walls.

Named after our cherished group, CCC World is a tribute to the laughter, camaraderie, and shared experiences that have defined our bond. Each corner of this virtual space is infused with the spirit of our adventures, a testament to the memories we've created together.

So come and wander through the halls, take in the snapshots of our journey, and relive the joyous moments that have woven us together as friends. In CCC World, the past comes alive, and the memories we've made are etched into every pixel.

VRCHAT World link : https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_217e7429-e1af-422c-a10c-cbf1ff715c7c

Latest VRChat Version : 1.2.1
Step into the CCC World, my third creation in VRChat, a realm dedicated to a close-knit group of friends with whom I've shared countless memorable moments. As you explore, you'll find echoes of our adventures scattered throughout, immortalized in pictures adorning the walls.

Named after our cherished group, CCC World is a tribute to the laughter, camaraderie, and shared experiences that have defined our bond. Each corner of this virtual space is infused with the spirit of our adventures, a testament to the memories we've created together.

So come and wander through the halls, take in the snapshots of our journey, and relive the joyous moments that have woven us together as friends. In CCC World, the past comes alive, and the memories we've made are etched into every pixel.

VRCHAT World link : https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_217e7429-e1af-422c-a10c-cbf1ff715c7c

Latest VRChat Version : 1.2.1


1.2.1 - 2024-03-25
- Updated AudioLink component
- Migrated the project from Unity 2019 to 2022
1.2 - 2023-10-22
- Changed skybox to a more dynamic one, better view of the stars
- Added a new room with more pictures (all 2023), a small explorable area, and another place where to chill and sit.
- Extension of the exploration limit for the main zone
- Added a stair to go on the ground outside
- Added some lightning and reflections on the main area
- Changed some UV's and rebaked lightning
- Added another door to go to the new room
- Added an easter egg button
1.1 - 2023-03-12
- Added the Noisy jar (as decoration)
- Added pens
- Check the lock system of the room which seems to synchronize badly
- Teleport the main menu to the bedroom once you're there
- Put the teleportation button on the roof more prominently for those who are in the desktop
1.0 - 2023-03-01
- Initial release